Fred Kirkpatrick Minor Involvement After Vietnam in Some Projects

Books, Articles, DVD, and Possible Movie


  • Home of the Brave Foundation - created by Trish Kinney
    Home of the Brave (March 1994) was a stage presentation performed by and based upon writtings by Vietnam Veterans. Originally created for presentation in high schools and colleges, the piece consists of over two dozen poems, letters, and personal memories collected from over thirty Vietnam Veterans nationwide. The core company was made up of five Vietnam combat veterans, accompanied by wives and others. (I contributed some writtings.)
    It aired twice on PBS and become a therapy tool in VA facilities across the country.
  • "Created website for 28th Infantry Association
    Created website in early 1990's and in early 1993 started hosting reunions in Las Vegas.
  • "Blood Trails" by Chris Ronnau
    Fantastic book about Chris Ronnau's tour with Charlie Company 2/28th 1967
    (Chris was nice enough to include my photo and mention me several times.)
  • Documentary - "Two Days in October"
    PBS American Experience
    (Included interview of me on the "extras" under "Where are they now".)
  • VFW Magazine - February 2006
    "Battle at Ong Thanh" - pages 34-36
  • "They March Into Sunlight: War and Peace in Vietnam and America October 1967"
    written by David Maraniss.
    (David was kind enough to mention me several times.)
    David Maraniss is the Associate editor at The Washington Post where he has worked for the last 23 years. David won the Pulitzer Prize in 1993 for national reporting for his revealing articles on the life and political record of candidate Bill Clinton. David has written five books, including two major biographies, "When Pride Still Mattered: A Life of Vince Lombardi", which was a national best seller for 20 weeks, and "First In His Class", considered the definitive biography of Bill Clinton.
  • Stow Sentry, Sunday November 16, 2003
    "Interview pages 1, 16-17
    (Only interview I have ever given) - The reporter got the book title wrong, and "misquoted" me several times, but all and all, a well done piece.
  • Six-Part TV Series
    Based on the book "They Marched Into Sunlight", will be a Six-Part Limited TV Series produced by Fox 21 and Fox Productions - NEVER MADE
  • Movie 2013 - "They Marched Into Sunlight"
    Not sure if the movie will every be made.

Battle of Ong Thanh - Other Articles and Books!


  • "Ambush of the Black Lions"
    Newsweek, October 30, 1967, p 21
  • Oral History Transcript
    Produced from a tape-recorded interview with Lieutenant Colonel James D. George, company cammander of Alpha, 2/28th on October 17, 1967, conducted by Lieutenant Colonel Richard H. Taylor in 1985.
  • "A Sudden Meeting"
    Time, October 27, 1967, page 24.
  • "Anatomy of an Ambush - by John Laurence
    Conducted after October 17, 1967, the report written for CBS News that uses Maps and descriptions from three "Black Lion" survivors. But since the the story lacked film of the actual fighting, it was never broadcast.
  • "Pacific Stars and Stripes - Tokyo, Japan;
    October 20, 1967, page 1 & page 16.
  • "The Beast Was Out There" by Brig. Gen James Shelton (Ret)
  • "Combat Operations: Taking the Offensive: Octtober 1966 to October 1967" by George MacGarrigle
    Ong Thanh, pages 353-361
  • "The Cat from Hue" by John Laurence
    John Laurence covered the Vietnam War for CBS News from 1965-1970. Judged by his colleagues to be the best television reporter of the war.
    Pages 386-389.
  • "Ringed in Steel" by Michael D. Mahler
    Infantry Operations, pages 39-56
  • "A Spartan Game" by Terry Tibbetts
    The Life and Loss of Major Donald Holleder


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